about us

Silvia Massa - Interior & color designer

Gianpiero Padolino - Interior designer

Giulia Valvassori - Interior designer

Maurizio Marsico - Public relations

Silvia Massa Studio manages Interior Design for Home, Office, Shops, Showrooms, Clubs and Restaurants.

We realize the exclusive collection of ornamental stickers: silviastickers.com, that has recieved high visibility by international press.
We design innovative elements of furniture and decoration.

Silviastickers' collections stand for their particular "designed effect", the wide range of meticulous and elaborated subjects, the material quality they are made, a thin and opaque vinyl.
Thanks to this, our wallstickers fit with every kind of surface (walls, glasses, shop windows, mirrors, furnitures, ...) creating a wonderful scenario, like as they were painted and becoming part of it.
Home stickers suitable for houses, offices, shops, home staging, public places, exhibition stands.
